水獭观察日记(2020 上)

2020 年 5 月 14 日



西校区确实比东校区远了不少,我每天早上 6:10 就要起床。洗澡的热水也莫名其妙地坏掉了,只能洗冷水,比较难受。睡觉睡不够,空调制冷能力太弱,上午会想睡觉。

总的来说,生活大体没什么变化,依旧是常常孤身、有时热闹、朴素无华的校园生活。条件自然不如家里的养尊处优,可也能使我发奋学习,不至于自甘堕落。“被迫”适应山上每天 1.2h 的路途跋涉和 7 元一碗的猪肉面,想必也对我的体型大有益处吧。

2020 年 5 月 18 日


半年前的我,还不至于像现在这样颓唐,是个想拿一本约的有志青年。然而时过境迁,终是被磨平了棱角,不追求清北华五,只想要个 C9 草草了事了。C9 也还不错的,然而我却只是空谈阔论而不实际行动。这如何得行?


2020 年 5 月 19 日

感觉自己似乎到了发情期。先前还有可爱的 hyf,可以找他玩耍或拥抱,也有 zn 和 yxy 和我网上聊天。然而现在 hyf 退役了,zn、yxy 和我也不怎么联系了,我也就没什么朋友了。发情期的到来,更使我倍感忧郁。忧郁又能怎么样呢?生活还是一样地过。

2020 年 5 月 23 日

我写日记的频率降低了:这是好事。Eevee 先生曾在他的博客里写道

I guess I started a bad habit of writing big long posts About Things, and then blogging became this self-imposed chore, and then I didn’t do a lot of it. Oops. I’ll make a deliberate effort to write shorter things when they come to mind. (I also have half a dozen half-finished posts not committed, which by my count should equal three whole posts.)

Lately I’ve been drowning in an (even worse) inability to do things. Something dislodged all the cool progress I made at the end of last year and I don’t feel like I’m getting much of anything done. Numerous conversations with mel, strangely-relevant blog posts I stumbled upon purely by accident, and brilliant self-reflection are starting to help.

